
Our Wonderful Donors

By supporting Ubuntu Graphix, you’re not just investing in a digital marketing and branding company; you’re empowering a vision for change. Our mission is to elevate African talent, foster innovation, and build stronger brands together, the Ubuntu way. Despite facing day-to-day challenges like power outages and equipment limitations, we persevere to deliver excellence to our clients. Your donation ensures that we can overcome these obstacles, remain debt-free, and continue championing diversity in the tech industry. Together, we can make a tangible difference, one brand at a time. Thank you for supporting Ubuntu Graphix – because when we thrive, so does our community.

Make your donations here

Our mission is to elevate African talent, foster innovation, and build stronger brands together, the Ubuntu way.

Gold Donors

Silver Donors

Samantha Steele

Apryl P. Gordon

Wendy Johnson-Salter

Zanny Gee

S. S. Palmer

Donzella Wilson

Carla Armstrong

Andrea Miller

Joanna Cooper

Anthony William

Gold Donors

Samantha Steele

Wendy Johnson-Salter

S. S. Palmer

Carla Armstrong

Andrea Miller

Joanna Cooper

Anthony William

Silver Donors

Apryl P. Gordon

Zanny Gee

Donzella Wilson

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843 White Lane, London

